Welcome to Prof. Alejandro Boschan's web page
Grupo de Medios Porosos, Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad de Buenos Aires.


Tel:(+54 9 221) 220-2969

E-mail: abosch_at_fi.uba.ar / alejandro.boschan_at_ypftecnologia.com/ Para Física 1 usar: aleboschandocencia_arroba_gmail.com

Nationality: Argentinian (born), Hungarian

Languages: Spanish (mother), English, French, Portuguese

GO TO:  Scientific activities   Research fields     Publications     Collaborations   Teaching   Projects   People   Scientific divulgation  

Current position

-2023+ Researcher CONICET (Independiente) at Y-TEC
-2017+: Professor, full time, Facultad de Ingeniería, University of Buenos Aires, at the "Grupo de Medios Porosos"
-2009-2023: Researcher CONICET (Independiente) at the "Grupo de Medios Porosos"


-Post-doc at IFP Energies Novelles (formerly Institut Français du Pétrole), France.
-Ph.D. in Physics: University Pierre-et-Marie-Curie, Paris 6 (Physics of fluids). (download thesis manuscript)
-Ph.D. in Engineering, University of Buenos Aires.
-M.Sc. in Physics: Faculty of Exact and Natural Science, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
-Bachiller especializado en Ciencias y Tecnología: Colegio Nacional de Buenos Aires.

Collaborations (in alphabetical order)

- Aguirre Alejandra (GMP-FIUBA) Argentina
- Beaudoin Anthony (Hydeè, PPRIME Poitiers, France)
- Gauthier Georges (Laboratoire FAST, Orsay, France)
- Géminard Jean Christophe (ENS Lyon, France)
- Noetinger Benoit (IFP Energies Nouvelles Rueil-Malmaison, France)
- Otero Alejandro (CSC-CONICET) Argentina
- Piva Marcelo (GMP-FIUBA) Argentina

Research fields

--------Field 1: Transport and dispersion of solutes in the flow of:

       Newtonian solutions
       Non-newtonian solutions (shear-thinning polymers)
       Macroscopic particle suspensions

 in fractured and porous media.

-Team presentation: Transport and dispersion of solutes by fluids and particle suspensions in fractures here

-Talk: Flujo y transporte de fluidos y suspensiones en fracturas. Youtube video (in Spanish)

-Talk: Solute transport by suspended buoyant particles (video in English)

--------Field 2:Upscaling of flow and transport in complex geological environments

-Talk: Upscaling and effective permeability Youtube video (in Spanish)

--------Field 3: Immersed granular media: Vibrated suspensions

-Faraday waves and particle resuspension
-Particle patterns and liquid templates
-Team presentation: Wave particle interaction: pattern formation here (in Spanish)

Peer-reviewed articles

-26) "Influence of rotations in energy transfer of a particle colliding on a flat surface"
F. Fernandez, M. Aguirre, R. Martino, A. Boschan, M. Piva
Powder Technology 445, 120100, (2024)
Pdf file here/ Publisher site

-25) "Solute transport in highly heterogeneous media: the asymptotic signature of connectivity"
A. Beaudoin, I. Colecchio, A. Boschan
Advances in Water Resources 180, 104522, (2023)
Pdf file here/ Publisher site

-24) "Assembly of particulate patterned arrays using liquid templates"
D. Barba Maggi, R. Martino, M.Piva, A. Boschan
Album of Porous Media: Structure and Dynamics Book chapter (2023), ISBN 9783031237997 Get it!
Pdf file here

-23) "Flow in binary porous media: viscous dissipation",
I. Colecchio, A. Boschan B. Noetinger, A.Otero.
Album of Porous Media: Structure and Dynamics Book chapter (2023), ISBN 9783031237997 Get it!
Pdf file here

-22) "Comment on "Faraday waves in a Hele Shaw cell [Phys. Fluids 30, 042106 (2018)]"",
A. Boschan, M. Noseda, M. A. Aguirre, and M. Piva
Phys. Fluids 35, 029101 (2023)
Pdf file here / Publisher site

-21) "Equivalent hydraulic conductivity, connectivity and percolation in 2D and 3D random binary media"
I. Colecchio, A.Otero, B. Noetinger, A. Boschan.
Advances in Water Resources 158, (2021)
Pdf file here / Publisher site

-20) "Solute transport by suspended buoyant particles",
I. Colecchio, N. Arze, G. Flores, A. Quijandria, A. Boschan
EPJ Web of conferences Volume 249 (2021)
Pdf file here / Publisher site

-19) "On the multiscale characterization of effective hydraulic conductivity in random heterogeneous media: a historical survey and some new perspectives".
I. Colecchio, A. Boschan, A.Otero, B. Noetinger
Advances in Water Resources volume 140, article 103594 (2020)
Pdf file here / Publisher site

-18) "Sediment motion induced by Faraday waves in a Hele-Shaw cell".
R. Martino, A. Boschan, D. Barba Maggi, G. Bongiovanni, J.C. Geminard, and M. Piva
Physical Review E volume 101, issue 4, 043112 (2020)
Pdf file here / Publisher site

-17) "Particulate patterns generated by liquid templates".
D. Barba Maggi, R. Martino, M. Rosen, M. Piva, A. Boschan
Powder Technology 366 (598-609)(2020)
Pdf file here / Publisher site

-16) "Granular flow through an aperture: Influence of obstacles near the outlet".,
M. G. Areán, A. Boschan, M. A. Cachile, and M. A. Aguirre
Physical Review E (Vol. 101, No. 5) 022901 (2020)
Pdf file here / Publisher site

-15) "Faraday waves over a permeable rough substrate".,
D. Maggi, A.Boschan, R. Martino, M. Piva, J.C. Géminard
Physical Review E (Vol. 99, No. 5) (2019)
Pdf file here / Publisher site

-14) "Design and analysis of different models of microfluidic devices evaluated in Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) assays".,
G. Rosero, A. Peñaherrera, C. Olmos, A. Boschan, P.Granel, F. Golmar, C.Lasorsa, B. Lerner, M. Perez
Revista Materia V.23 N.02 DOI: (2018);
Pdf file here/ Publisher site

-13) "Velocity fluctuations and population distribution in clusters of settling particles at low Reynolds number".,
A. Boschan, B.Ocampo, M.Annichini, G. Gauthier
Physics of Fluids 28, 063301, DOI: (2016);
Pdf file here/ Publisher site

-12) "Suspension flow: do particles act as mixers?".,
A. Boschan, M. A. Aguirre, G. Gauthier
Soft Matter, 11 (17), 3367-3372, DOI: (2015).
Pdf file here/ Publisher site

-11) "Light transmission measurement of solute dispersion in non-Brownian suspension flow".,
A. Boschan, M. Poblete, Y.L. Roth, I. Ippolito and R. Chertcoff
European Physical Journal-Applied Physics, volume 65, issue 1, 11101. doi: (2014).
Pdf file here/ Publisher site

-10) "Experimental study of solute dispersion in macroscopic suspension flow".,
Roht, L., Boschan, A., Ippolito, I., Chertcoff , R.
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 145, 10-16, (2013)
Pdf file here/ Publisher site

-9) "Scale dependence of effective hydraulic conductivity distributions in 3D heterogeneous media: a numerical study".,
Boschan, A., Noetinger, B.
Transport in Porous Media, 94, issue 1, 101–121, (2012)
Pdf file here/ Publisher site

-8) "Characterization of fracture aperture field heterogeneity by electrical resistance measurement".,
Boschan, A., Ippolito I., R. Chertcoff, J. P. Hulin and H. Auradou
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 123, 65–74, (2011)
Pdf file here/ Publisher site

-7) "Miscible transfer of solute in different model fractures: from random to multiscale wall roughness".,
Auradou H., Boschan A, Chertcoff R., D’AngeloM.V., Hulin J.P., Ippolito I.
C. R. Geoscience, 342, 644–652, (2010)
Pdf file here/ Publisher site

-6) "Experimental evidence of the anisotropy of tracer dispersion in rough fractures with sheared walls",
Boschan, A., Auradou H., I. Ippolito, R. Chertcoff, and J. P. Hulin
Water Resources Research, 45, W03201, (2009)
Pdf file here/ Publisher site

-5)"Geometrical and Taylor dispersion in a fracture with random obstacles: an experimental study with fluids of different rheologies"
Boschan A., Ippolito I., Chertcoff R., Auradou H., Hulin JP.
Water Resources Research, VOL. 44, W06420, (2008)
Pdf file here/ Publisher site

-4) "Enhancement of Velocity contrasts by shear thinning solutions flowing in a rough fracture"
Auradou H., Boschan A., Chertcoff R., Gabbanelli S., Ippolito I. and Hulin J.P.
Journal of Non Newtonian Fluid Mech. 153, 53–61, .
Pdf file here/ Publisher site

-3) "Miscible displacement fronts of shear thinning fluids inside rough fractures".
Boschan A., Auradou H., Chertcoff R., IppolitoI., Hulin J.P.
Water Resources Research, VOL. 43, W03438, (2007),
Pdf file here/ Publisher site

-2) Flow channelization in a single fracture induced by shear displacement".
Auradou H. , Drazer G., Boschan A., Hulin J. P., and Koplik J.
Geothermics 35 (2006) pp. 576-588.
Pdf file here/ Publisher site

-1) "Tracer dispersion of no-Newtonian fluids in a Hele-Shaw Cell"
Boschan A., Charette J., Gabbanelli S., Ippolito I., Chertcoff R.
Physica A, Vol 327/1-2,(2003) ISSN 0378-4371.
Pdf file here/ Publisher site

Scientific activities

-2009+: Member of the LIA-FMF (Laboratorio Internacional Asociado France-Argentina)

-2009: Return to Argentina as a member of the RAICES program (MinCyT)

-2008-2009: Post-doc:
    Upscaling in complex geological environments (numerical simulation)
    Institut Français du Pétrole (IFP Energies Nouvelles), B. Noetinger

-2002-2007: Ph.D. (thesis in cotutele):
    Study of transport and dispersion in fractures (experimental)
    Laboratoire F.A.S.T., France   Doctoral advisor: J.P. Hulin (co-advisor H.Auradou)
    Grupo de Medios Porosos, Argentina   Doctoral advisor: Dr. Ing. R. Chertcoff (co-advisor I.Ippolito)


- 2017+: Professor, full time, Facultad de Ingeniería, University of Bs. As.
- 2011+: Teacher in charge of assignments (JTP), Faculty of Engineering, University of Buenos Aires, Física 2(Electricity-Magnetism-Thermodynamics)
- 2009+ Graduate assistant: Faculty of Engineering, University of Buenos Aires, Física 2(Electricity-Magnetism-Thermodynamics)
- 2004-2007 Graduate assistant: Faculty of Engineering, University of Buenos Aires, Física 1(Dynamic- Kinematics - Waves )
- 2000-2003 Undergraduate assistant: Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences, University of Buenos Aires, (Physics for biologists, Laboratory 3 (Electricity and Magnetism Lab))


As director:

-2021-2023 Proyecto PIP CONICET 11220200101574CO "Influencia de la conectividad de las facies geológicas sobre la permeabilidad efectiva en el procedimiento de upscaling para simulación de reservorios de hidrocarburos"

-2020-2022 Proyecto UBACYT 20020190100107BA "Caracterización del proceso de ensamblado de partículas mediante plantillas líquidas"

-2018-2019 Proyecto UBACYT 20020170200066BA "Deposición controlada de partículas mediante plantillas líquidas generadas por vibración"

-2016-2017 Proyecto UBACYT 20020150200142BA "Propiedades de suspensiones concentradas de partículas sometidas a vibración mecánica"

-2014-2016 Proyecto PIP CONICET 11220130100230CO "Dispersión de contaminantes disueltos en flujos con material particulado"

-2013-2016 PICT-2013-2584 "Dispersión de contaminantes disueltos en flujos con material particulado".

-2013-2016 Proyecto UBACyT 20020120200201BA 2013-2016, "Transporte de solutos en el flujo de suspensiones en medios confinados".

-2011-2013 Proyecto PIP CONICET 2011–2013, “Propiedades de transporte de fluidos y suspensiones en medios fracturados”.

-2011-2013 Proyecto PICT Bicentenario 2010, “Propiedades de transporte de fluidos y suspensiones en medios fracturados”.

As member:

-2015-2019 Proyecto de cooperación bilateral - CAFCI, Centro Argentino-Francés de Ciencias de la Ingeniería, Programa de Cooperación Bilateral Nivel II MINCyT-CONICET-CNRS, (2015-2019) "Flow of granular materials and stresses under different solicitations: From creep tests to gravity driven flow to impact tests ".

-2014 PICT E-2014-0259 Facultad de Ingeniería. Dir. Silvano Zanutto.

-2014-2017: Proyecto UBACYT: " Flujo de suspensiones activas y pasivas en medios confinados" (20020130100570BA) Dir. R. Chertcoff

-"Mezcla, dispersión y flujo de partículas en fracturas y geometrías restringidas"
Proyecto UBACYT: (20020100100798)2011-2014: Dir. R. Chertcoff

-" Transporte de trazadores y partículas en medios fracturados"
Codigo I044, UBA, 2007-2011 Dir. R. Chertcoff

-"Estudio de los fenomenos de transporte y dispersion en medios fracturados"
Codigo I029, UBA, 2004-2007 Dir. R. Chertcoff

-"Propiedades de transporte y de flujos de fluidos no-Newtonianos en medios porosos fracturados"
ECOS Nº A03E02, 2003-2006. Secretaria de Ciencia y Tecnologia e Innovacion Productiva y el Ministerio de Educacion de Francia

-"Hydrodynamic Dispersion and Surface Roughness"
Nro: INT-0304781, Convenio de Cooperacion con The Ben Levich Institute. (National Science Foundation) , 2003-2004

-"Transferts complexes en milieux". Projet PNRH
Poreux et resources en eau. CNRS-Departements SDU
et SPI (2001-2004) Francia

- "Transport de fluides et de particules dans des
fractures autoaffines" (n° 14553) CNRS departement
SPI - NSF (2003_2005) Francia


Graduate students:

Ing. Cristian Picighelli (Phd student)
Ing. Diego Barba (Phd student)
Ing. Iván Colecchio (Phd student)
Inga. Ana Quijandria (Master)

Undergraduate students:

Manuel Noseda (Física Exactas) Micaela Lloret (Ing. Química FIUBA)
Martina Perczyk (Ing. Química FIUBA)
Natalia Arze (Ing. Química FIUBA)
Martina Annichini (Ing. Química FIUBA)
Agustín Cánepa (Ing. Química FIUBA)
Brenda Ocampo (Ing. Química FIUBA)
Matías Battochia (Lab 6/7 FCEN)
Mariana Poblete (Ing. Química FIUBA)
Nicolás Torres Cabrera (Ing. Mecánica FIUBA)
Lucrecia Roht (Ing. Química FIUBA)

Scientific Divulgation

-In 2012 I participated in Capítulo 2 programa RAICES Tecnópolis TV o http://www.fi.uba.ar/es/node/877

-Entrevista FIUBA (2014)